As you know, I don't do Christmas presents, but I do hostess gifts when I find something appropriate. This year I had the genius idea to use one of the talented ladies who paints the Christmas stockings to make one for each of the 'grand-dogs.' After she did her part, I sewed them up and finished the tops, then she even put the names on for me. (I don't trust myself to do anything like that.)
Didn't they turn out cute? Maddie belongs to Kim and family and Lucy is Ron's other daughter Kelli's who we stayed with in San Diego about a month ago. Ta-da! Hostess presents!
I didn't take my usual formal family pictures, but I'll share what I have. Of course this is a lot more interesting if you actually know the people involved. As soon as we arrived, Ron saw something that needed to be fixed.

The annual Christmas cookie baking went smoothly with Adam and Shannon helping Kim with the cutouts.

Then we all were involved with the decorating process - some with more success than others. Here Kelli and her fiance Sean take a second to pose for the camera.
Even Tom was coaxed into helping. Just look at that concentration.

Ron feels he's better utilized as a taster.

Uh-oh, an equipment malfunction.

Ron's son Jim gives Adam some pointers.
His are always perfect. What a show off.

Actually I think they look pretty good (and taste even better.)

Shannon modeled her Halloween costume for us. Isn't it just the best?!?

Adam, Kelli, Jim, Ron, and I took the dogs for a walk to the park. We were lucky that all the snow stayed on the west side of the Rockies this year. Although Ron and I thought it was cold, it was really pretty nice.

Shannon showed us how she can roller blade.
Do you think Adam looks a little impatient to open his stocking?
Have you seen these beautiful American Girl dolls? Shannon got a snow outfit for Julie - it's absolutely gorgeous! Although I don't think that Lucy is any more thrilled with the doll than she was with the stuffed Santa at her house.