First we made our way down to Pebble Beach in Marathon. We weren't too sure if the name was appropriate since the 'pebbles' were more like rocks! It's a good thing I don't have a garden because I would have been tempted to take a few.

And we went to the other end of Marathon to Peninsula Harbor. I call this 'Man contemplates the meaning of the universe.'

Next we went to Pukaskwa National Park. We covered ourselves with insect spray and net hats to walk to North Beach. Once again, that may be a misnomer - Log Beach might be better.
Ron took this one of Mink Falls nearby.

In the evening we went right across the road to Neys Provincial Park. There's a lot of logging history there and they even used prisoners of war to do the work. Here's Ron doing a balancing act across the water. Such a showoff! (I went around.)
Once again, we donned our net hats and hiked out to Prisoner Point. The rocks here are magma rocks from the center of a volcano that has since worn down.
Yesterday we left Marathon and headed for Thunder Bay - our last stop in Canada. On the way we stopped at Aquasabon Falls and Canyon. I thought it was cool how the water makes a 90 degree turn after it comes over the falls.
Coming into Thunder Bay, we stopped at the visitor center and got our first view of the Sleeping Giant across the bay. The info sheet says it take 'no' imagination to see it. There were differing opinions on that. I must have no imagination because I saw him right away!

Great shot of the Sleeping Giant. I can actually see it! Guess I have no imagination either.