A very small group consisting of Phil, Al, and Ron braved the rapids at Big Bend campground - rated somewhere between class 1/2 to class 2, depending who you talk to. They put in at 'Takeout Point' - is that allowed? I asked them to paddle upstream a little so I could get this lovely picture. Thanks, guys.

Then Diana and I drove to Big Bend to catch them coming through the rapids. I got a bit sidetracked by this Monarch(?) butterfly on the rabbitbrush.

But soon the guys zipped around the bend and hit the rough water. I took a video of Phil and it looked like a bucking bronco. Unfortunately it was too long and I don't know how to cut it down, so instead I captured these frames from the video. I like how you can't even see the kayak here.

And here it's completely out of the water.

Later we took a short hike up Mill Creek to view a waterfall. Is this it? No, I see some concrete.
More pretty red cliffs along the trail.
Well that's as far as Diana and I went. We didn't have the details on this hike - it seems there are several stream crossings and instead of taking off our shoes and socks and putting them back on several times, we just sent the others on ahead.
Ron did a good job of recording the rest of the trip. Here is the destination waterfall where the locals jump off into the pool.
Peter seems to be trying to decide if he wants to risk it.

Peter did jump off the cliff, but Ron missed it. However he did catch this local making the big leap. . . or was it the pretty girl in the bikini that caught his attention?

Here let me help the guys out there see her a little closer.

On Sunday, the WINs moved on and Ron took the car to Salt Lake City to visit his son. I stayed with the RV at the Elks in downtown Moab and felt like one of the healthy locals biking around town. The only drawback was how hot it was. Today it cooled off, Ron arrived back, and we're leaving tomorrow. Oh well, we'll be back.