Yes, we're still here and it's getting hot!
But Look! We're going to cool down for the weekend. It's even going to be below 80 for the low. That will be nice.

It's even too hot for the cacti. As we take our evening walk (which is now after dark and still 95 degrees), we notice various night-blooming cacti. They all have bright white flowers to attract those pollinating bats. (I haven't actually seen any bats, but they must be around.)

I think this is an organ pipe cactus. The flowers were disappointingly small.

I caught this one in the early morning before it fully closed for the day.

I noticed one of my pots that I had carefully arranged with artificial flowers was looking a bit scruffy.

When I walked over to investigate, a little bird (I think a house finch) flew out of it. Made me jump! Well, what do you know, six tiny eggs. Weird how only one is spotted.

Ron noticed that there is another nest in the lemon tree - we're guessing a sparrow - and another dove in one of the orange trees. Oh, and another sparrow in the palm out front. For such a dry place, there are sure a lot of birds!
This picture is from about a month ago. I was so proud that my $2 cactus decided to bloom for me. (You can see some of the Arizona diamonds I added to the garden.)

And a couple weeks ago, we were amazed to see this tiny saguaro cactus blooming its heart out. We had never seen one that small in bloom. Then we discovered the secret - it's actually an arm off the saguaro behind it. Interesting.

Oh, and DaveM had asked about the holes in the saguaros. They're made by the woodpeckers creating nesting sites. However since there are many more holes than woodpeckers, I think they must rent them out to their smaller-beaked friends.
Aren't these bushes just stunning? They call them bird-of-paradise - not to be confused with the more familiar tropical bird-of-paradise.

They make a magnificent hedge.

Since today was Sunday, we went out for our weekly breakfast. Today we thought we would try a new place and went to the Egg and I. Well . . . Everything on the menu looked like too much food, so I thought, "I'll just have french toast." Have you ever seen french toast like this????

This place is crazy! Not only because of the size of the bread slices, but it was deep fried! You can also see part of Ron's giant folded pancake. He only had one with his bacon and eggs, but he only ate about half. I don't think we'll be going back there.