However, the next morning was gorgeous, as well as the rest of our visit. Ron's daughter lives close to the foothills and the snow on the deck was impressive.
Granddaughter Shannon and granddog Maddie were happy to see us.
This is Maddie's favorite spot. She is the quintessential lapdog and never gets tired of being petted.
On Christmas Eve, Adam and Shannon set out milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. I never thought about the poor reindeer.
To me, the most amazing part of the holiday is when the extended family gets together to exchange presents. Being from a very small family, the scene is a little overwhelming to me. See for yourself.
We're back in the warm now and by giving up our seats on the return flight, we each scored a $350 credit toward our next trip. Cool! Now it's time for me to catch up on the 100+ blog postings that I've missed.