Anyway, about a month ago, before it got too hot, I took a nice hike with Diana, Phil, and Joanne. Although most of you already saw it on Diana's blog, I'm going to post it anyway.
We drove east out of Apache Junction on AZ88 to just past Lost Dutchman's SP and followed a dirt road to a very popular trailhead. From there we were able to hike part of the Dutchman's Trail.
It was a level and very pretty hike among the interesting rock formations. (This is not Diana or Joanne, and certainly not Phil.)
Since I neglected to take a picture of our group, I shamelessly stole this one of Joanne and me from Diana's blog.
We even had to cross a bit of water - always an exciting sight in the desert.
I really liked the color on this bush, although I'm not sure if it's the flowers or the seeds or maybe both.
Here's one more shot of the colorful scenery.
Back at the house (and jumping forward to late April), my tomatoes are still surviving the heat although I don't know if they will ever ripen.
The saguaro down the street is blooming. This one seems to be on an earlier schedule than most since it was in bloom the first week in April. The birds love the little bugs that are attracted to the blooms.
But I was really impressed by this gazania which grew unaided in an empty lot. What tenacity!