For the past few days, we've been at Alley Spring campground along Jacks Fork River. This is the final stop of the WIN's Arkansas and Missouri kayaking tour. The WINs are a unique and special group of people and we have had a terrific time for the past five weeks from Hot Springs to here. We've participated in lots of kayaking, hiking, eating and, most of all, experienced wonderful companionship with our fellow RVers. I always say that if you're feeling low, just come to a WIN gathering. It's our family on the road.
We are within easy walking distance of Alley Spring and Mill. I went several times trying for the perfect shot - this is as good as I can do.

Yesterday we kayaked 15 miles (!!!) from here to the confluence of Jacks Fork and the Current River. Max took this lovely shot of me, proving that I really do this.

Oh, no, what's this? I guess I wasn't paying enough attention and ran into a tree. Happily (??) Max was there to capture the moment.

For the second time in five weeks, my boat got stuck sideways and just filled up with water. Luckily I remembered Bill's advice, "If you think you're going to drown, stand up." I tried to tell everybody that I thought there was a tick in my boat and just wanted to rinse it out, but they didn't buy it.
A kayak full of water is impossible to move, so I just waited for help. Marvin and Ron were my heroes, dumped the water out, and got me safely back on my way.

The WINs have a tradition that whoever goes in the water gets to wear the dump hat until somebody else dumps. Since we don't wear it on the river (after all, it might get wet or lost,) the ceremony is held at afternoon circle.

Here I am receiving the coveted duck hat from Ernie who wore his official WIN kayaking shirt for the occasion.
I didn't keep it though, since three others dumped after I did that day. The hat moved on to Patrice, Geraldine, and Sharon.
After all our hard work on the river, most of us went to nearby Eminence (pop. 548) for dinner. We sat out on the balcony of the Ozark Orchard and feasted on all the goodies on the buffet - catfish, hush puppies, and black-eyed peas. But best of all, there was blackberry cobbler for dessert!

In town, we found this interesting wagon for sale. Inside it looked like a fully functional RV, and you can buy it 'loaded' for $25,000. We just weren't sure if that included the team of oxen.