Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sylamore Creek Camp

Yesterday the WINs converged on Sylamore Creek Camp, five miles north of Mountain View, AR. Before you ask, no, we didn't see any of the tornadoes that hit parts of Arkansas yesterday. Although it's a scary enough situation that we bought a weather scanner in Texas, really what are the chances of actually seeing one? We do continue to be plagued by excessive water and are glad that we weren't doing this a few weeks earlier. As the WINs arrived at the campground (after a morning downpour,) the owner directed them to sites or the boondocking area as they requested. By the time Ron and I arrived (since we waited until after the rain to drive the 50 miles here,) at least two of them had gotten stuck in the mud. This worked to our advantage because when we asked to boondock (no hookups), they weren't taking any chances and instead of sending us to the grassy field, directed us to a graveled spot in front of a very adorable cabin.

"Honey, we're home!"

Several weeks ago, the Corps of Engineers opened the flood gates farther up the White River which is about 1/2 mile from here. The White backed up into Sylamore Creek and this campground was inundated. This cabin was flooded almost to the loft and is still in the process of drying out. The amount of water is hard to imagine now as we look down at the creek at least 25 feet lower then our ground level. We feel so badly for the owners that we are scheduling a work day to help with clean up.