Although I'm a little embarrassed to post a bird shot that can't compare with the beauties that Sondra posts, here goes. This little guy (or girl) is a verdin that comes to the hummingbird feeder on occasion. You can barely see his chestnut shoulder patches, but the yellow face is obvious.
Ron just loves to snap pictures of me in full leaf-blowing gear. Here he caught me out the kitchen window.
While Ron's brother Mike and sister-in-law Mary were here, we went to see Elvis! In this case, Elvis's real name is Gene Styles and he is simply amazing! He certainly has the looks.To hear a sample of his talent, click here for his website. Listen to his 'Are you Lonesome Tonight' and you will swear Elvis has returned.
He was nice enough to pose with Mary and me, but I meant to ask him to do the 'lip thing' which I call a sneer. He did it during the performance and everybody loved it. He doesn't look as much like Elvis when he smiles.
And I know I'm the last of the bloggers in this area to post pictures of the snow that fell on the Superstition Mountains late last month, but here goes. Here we are hurrying to get closer before it all melts. This is one of my 'through the windshield' shots.
There were a lot of people with the same idea and this was a popular spot.
But what I really wanted was some poppies blooming in the foreground like these in my neighbor's yard.
Now if I was really clever like my sister, I could cut them out and add them to the shot. How's this, Diana? LOL! (I know everybody says that, but I actually do 'laugh out loud.')
Or maybe a whole field of poppies ?!?